cakescupcakesSnackshow to order

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

earl grey mini cupcake

ada yang tertarik nyobain earl gray tea, skalian mix sama choc coffee. dibikin mini cupcakes aja biar gampang makannya...


cookies with edible image
cookies dalam toples

cookies pesenan Dini...
resep dari ncc, dan hiasannya masih ngikutin mbak Peni. sang instruktur hias waktu les cookies di ncc.. Maapken daku ya mbak, masih blajar menghias dan ngikutin stylemu. (mati ide kok terus terusan..hehe). Tapi... ada behind the scene nya ni:
daerah rumahku kena giliran lampu mati dari jam 4 sore tanpa pemberitahuan. sementara cookies baru mulai dihias. kirain cuman sebentar, ternyataaa.... duh, takut gak kekejar waktunya harus bikin 25 toples, akhirnya lah mulai menghias ditemani cahaya lilin... romantis engaaaak.. stress iya.. haha.. untung punya oven gas, buat matengin ni royal icing. kalo oven listrik mungkin bisa lebih stress lagi gak nyala. seperti orang jawa bilang, semua pasti ada 'untung'nya. lampu mati...'untung' punya lilin... :)

mini chocolate cake

this is my brother's order for his girlfriend's birthday. He called a day before, and i thought he want me to make cupcakes for her. but turned out that he wanted a mini birthday cake.
good thing it's a mini cake. doesnt take too much time to make :)

cakes for Diva & Kiara

yang ini pesanan ibu2 putik disekolah Z semacam get well soon cake. Tadinya yang sakit adiknya. eh pas deliver cakenya, ternyata kakaknya yang dirawat.. duuuh.. sedih ya kalau anak 2 2 nya sakit semua...
Get well soon ya Diva & Kiara..

chocolate cheesecake & mini cupcakes

dapet telp pesenan buat nasi kebuli dan 100 mini cupcakes dari om buat acara anaknya, Izzan. Tadinya mau di taro di box aja, tapi kayana lebih cantek kalo di piring saji gini ya.. ya wes dibawain aja sekalian piring sajinya..

Sekalian pengen ngasi kado deh buat izzan. tapi bingung bikin apa. chocolate cheesecake suka gak Zan?

birthday cakes with edible image

this order is from Indy from Germany for her boyfriend's birthday in Jakarta..
sent to his house.. but the birthday guy was not home from work yet :(
yang surprise malah justru papanya.. "siapa yang kirim??..."
"kok bisa ada fotonya?...."
mudah2an suka ya...

Rabu, 18 Juni 2008

cupcakes for 10th anniversary Morula

This was last weekend order from RS Bunda (mother and children hospital) that got me pretty stressed. The event was the 10th anniversary of Morula on Sunday at the rumah kaca, Taman Menteng.

the confirmation order was just a day before me leaving out of town. 200 cupcakes and a mini cake. ok, still got enough time to do the order when i'm back in Jakarta Friday. Call ina larizz to order the edible image logo. All set.
but then...
Thursday: change the order to 400 cupcakes... panic mode-ON... do i have enough flour etc for 400 cupcakes...??? Not enough time to order more edible image...!!!
Friday:... missing my 1 o'clock plane and had to take later flight to Jakarta at 4...
stuck in loooong traffic from airport...
had to pick up my borrowed cupcake stand from Mbak Fatmah (thank you thank you thank you atas pinjamannya:) ...
not enough time to go to buy the ingredients!!
Saturday: ngerayu.. ayaah... bisa ga ke titan gak bliin barang-barang yang kuraaaang? ok. so finished the whole day baking cupcakes.
D-Day: just found out that decorating 400 cupcakes takes more time than baking them... ha ha.. woke up really early in the morning and only have time till 2pm... hurry... hurry... hurry... Finally got to rumah kaca... deliver the cupcakes... and.. BREATHE... BREATHE... YAAAY...
then have to hurry again because we promise to have lunch with the whole family, and my sister and her boyfriend who just came to visit Jakarta..
the lesson: Need to have better time management next time :)

Senin, 16 Juni 2008

earl grey cupcake

another strawberry choc chip order for tomorrow.
OK, Done. and i still have alot of time before Zs bedtime.. hhmmm... let's try a new recipe..
adapted from 'Cupcake' by Sue McMahon
Earl Grey Cupcake
5 Tbsp boiling water
3 Earl Grey tea bags
150g butter, softened
150g light soft brown sugar (aku pake palm+castor dicampur)
3 eggs
150g self raising flour (aq pake segitiga biru ajah)
Preheat oven to 190C
Pour boiling water over tea bags and leave them to steep for about 5 minutes, then remove the teabags, squeezing the liquid out of them.
in a bowl, beat the butter and sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy, then add the tea, eggs and flour and beat until smooth.
Divide the mixture into paper cases and bake for 15 to 18 minutes until the cake have risen and firm to the touch.
Remove the cake from the oven and transfer them to wire rack to cool
aroma tehnya kerasa banget. tapi a bit too sweet for me.. maybe i'll reduce the sugar next time.

Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

picnic birthday cake

another order from mama abel for Abel birthday..

just want something simple in white and blue.. the cake is chocolate sponge cake with dark chocolate ganache.

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008


Black Forest cupcake

peanut butter cupcake

orange cupcake

chocolate coffee cupcake

mini cupcakes

Pesenan ibu2 disekolah zytka zidan kalau pas ada acara kunjungan kerumah.
porsinya yang kecil pas banget buat anak2 yang susah makan... or... yang pengen nyicipin semua rasa...
Ada lemon cream cheese, chocolate, choc chip, and choc creamcheese...

Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

japanese cheese cake - again

gak bosen-bosen bikin JCC ini...

First, my kids looooooves it...

and second... ya emang udah janji mau kasi gift buat uncle kalo dateng ke Jakarta...

so enjoy ya uncle...

fruity special cake

Every layer filled with cream and peach...

covered with light whipped cream and toasted almond...

topped with more fruits...

ini pesenan Kak Vea buat mertua adeknya... critanya surprise birthday cake..
gak mau yang eneg, karena om udah almost 60. maunya yang light and fruity...
mudah2an suka ya Kak...

Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

white and pink bday cake

"yan, gue mau pesen kue lo yang waktu itu di complain terlalu sepi..."

nah lho... kue dicomplain kok malah mau dipesen??? ternyata emang si pemberi order ini termasuk orang yang suka minimalis banget. pokoke jangan ada hiasan yang heboh-heboh.... gitu katanya... dan ini adalah one of my loyal customer, jadi pengennya jangan sampe ngecewain dia....

ya wes lah... sempet bingung mau di decor apa ya? takut kerame-an. deg-deg an waktu mau diambil kue nya. maklum.. si bakul kuenya ga ada dirumah. jadi dititipin aja sama asisten..

alhamdulillah... commentnya:
"Nek! the cake looks great... the taste is great.... " fiuuuuuhhhh... lega......

cupcake cows

another strawberry choc chip cupcake. this time it is topped with white ganache... Fondant letters, and edible image cows..
comment nya:
"... thanks ya cupcakenya udah ada.. aku suka banget...."
repeat order yak jeng... :)

strawberry cupcake

strawberry chocolate chip cake in two different ways. One is ordered with fresh strawberry topping and white ganache... the second one is ordered in mini rose form without any decoration...
and this is strawberry sponge cake made with white egg only.. with rainbow sprinkle and donut like form... langsung habisssss....

opera cake

need I say more? layers of almond sponge cake with coffee syrup, coffee buttercream, and chocolate ganache.. my favourite cake.

decorated cupcake

decorated cupcake with edible image.